HSHRC Recruitment 2017 for Administrative Officer cum Accounts Officer

Haryana State Health Resource Centre (HSHRC) invites application from eligible candidates for the post of Administrative Officer cum Accounts Officer. Eligible and Interested candidates can send their application in the prescribed format along with required copies of documents on or before July 31, 2017.
The Haryana State Health Resource Centre (HSHRC) came into existence on 22nd May 2012. HSHRC primarily acts as an autonomous and independent body to advise the Govt. of Haryana for strategic planning and development of Health & Family Welfare services in Haryana, which include Health planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in the State. It creates expertise and information and develops capacities of organization in the State and districts for this purpose.

Detailed Information:

Post Code : 05
Name of the Post : Administrative Officer cum Accounts Officer
Pay Scale : Rs. 32,000/- per month
No. of Post : 01 Post
Educational Qualification Required : Graduate with SAS (State Account Services). Minimum 5 years experience of working as Chief Account Officer/Sr. Account Officer or Dy. Secy./ Under Secy. or equivalent in Department/ Organization of Haryana Government. Knowledge of computer with common packages like MS office and Internet.
Experience Required : 1. Manage all administrative functions at the HSHRC, including budget management and oversee all the financial activities. 2. Supervise accounting & responsibility for audit of accounts related records. 3. Maintaining and controlling receivables and ensuring timely payments to vendors and consultants. 4. Maintain a transparent accounting system. 5. To undertake procurement of goods & services as per needs of HSHRC and in accordance with PFR Rules. 6. Build up system, procedures for efficient & timely financial management. 7. Management of tax payments & other legal obligations. 8. Management of MoUs & contracts. 9. Plan & supervise logistic arrangements for establishment & infrastructure of the office & other administration work as required. 10. Liaison with Government, other officials & organizations as regards to administrative matters. 11. Develop policies for and manage HR issues of the HSHRC staff. 12. Support & documentation of decision making process of the institution. 13. Timely response to the audit objections if any. 14. Management of all court related matters. 15. Conduct of meetings, presentations and seminars at HSHRC and outside HSHRC. 16. Any other duty assigned by Executive Director, HSHRC.
Age Limit : 60 years
Location : Panchkula
Last Date for Application : July 31, 2017
Eligible and interested candidates can apply for the post of Administrative Officer cum Accounts Officer in the prescribed format along with required copies of documents to : The Office of Executive Director HSHRC, Bays 59-62, Sector 2, Panchkula -134112 so as to reach on or before July 31, 2017.
For details click below â‡“

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