Appointment of Audit firm for conducting special audit on BOT operators accounts for Kamarajar Port Limited
- Tenders are invited by Kamarajar Port Limited (KPL) from reputed Audit firms for executing the work of Appointment of Additional Auditor for conducting special audit on two BOT operator’s accounts for Kamarajar Port Limited under two cover systems. The estimated cost of works put to tender is Rs. 8,00,000/- (Rupees Eight lakhs only)
- The tender document can be downloaded from KPL official website from the date indicated from.
- One set of tender document consists of two volumes (Volumes-I & II). Volume-I (Technical Bid) comprises all technical and Volume-II (Financial Bid) comprises of Price bid documents.
- The complete tender document including annexures can be downloaded from KPL website: and submit as tender offer on or before the due date and time of submission.
- The offer (both Technical & Price) must be valid for a minimum of 120 days from the last date of submission of offer; otherwise the offer shall be rejected as non-responsive.
- First preference shall be given to the lowest offer (L1). The Employer do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender and reserve the right to accept any tender in full or part or to reject any tender without assigning any reason there for.
- The due date and time of submission of offers will be as indicated above. In the event of changes in the schedules, the Chief Manager (Finance), Kamarajar Port Limited notifies the same only through and
- If the offers are not received according to the instructions detailed here above, they shall be liable for rejection.
- Audit shall encompass all matters of operations, which the statutory auditor would be required to do, undertake in pursuant to the License Agreements, i.e. Revenues, expenses, costs, volume of traffic, tax remittance, investments, Bank reconciliation, Debtor balances etc.
- To verify and confirm the computation of Revenue as per License Agreement, calculation and timely remittance of revenue share, any revenue leakages, any other commercial issues which affect the computation of gross revenue etc.
- To verify and confirm the income from other sources, Investment incomes etc, which do not arise out of utilizing the project assets and facilities declared /disclosed in audited financial statements.
- To peruse and report on agreements, audits, sub audits, memorandums, deeds, etc. entered by BOT operators with their clients, Debenture Trustee, customers, promoters, banks, suppliers, for any commercial purpose that the interests /rights of Licensor are not infringed/diluted /reduced.
- To report on completed project cost initially, subsequent expansions, the pattern of actual funding, viz-a-viz Licensor’s approvals. Debt service compliance, Compliance on Company act provisions, Tax laws and any other material defaults which are prejudice to the interests/ rights of Licensor currently and in the event of termination of license agreement.
- To peruse and report on Tariff notifications declared by BOT operator periodically for cargo related, vessel related and other allied services and verifying the application of such tariff on services, billing, consequential computation of revenue share etc.
- To report on list of fixed assets, facilities, liabilities, mortgages, land use, shareholding pattern, systems, procedures, policies etc. and comment on any other issues /matter which are detrimental or prejudice to Licensor’s interest during currency and in the event of termination and suggesting remedies to cure defects / shortcomings, if any.
- Any other assignment or specific study report sought by KPL from the Licensee’s Book of Accounts during the course of audit.
Eligibility criteria for the bidder:
The applicant firm must necessarily fulfill above eligible criteria. Applicant firms are requested to submit testimonials /necessary documents to substantiate the above. Having been qualified, bidder firms will be subject to further evaluation as per score card given below. Shortlisting of firms for price bid shall be on the basis of securing an aggregate minimum of 75 marks from the table of evaluation given below.
Last date and time for sale of Bidding Documents November 15, 2016 up to 2.30 PM.
For more Details- Visit following Website
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